Product quality is a top priority of VURAL. VURAL has implemented a quality control system according to the STN EN ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/TS 16949 standards.
In the year 2000 we acquired the quality control certificate from the RWTŰV company in Essen for sheet metal products and plastic products, and in 2001 for machines, equipment and special tools. In order to fully meet the customer requirements in the automotive industry, the quality control system was in 2001 installed according to the VDA 6.1 requirements for the development, manufacture and supply of sheet metal and plastic products, and in 2008 according to the requirements of ISO/TS 16949 for the development, manufacture and supply of sheet metal and plastic products.
The company complies with all applicable environmental legislation obligations and cooperates with customers and suppliers in a continuous improvement with regards to the environment.